We are living in an age of waste. The world produces two billion tonnes of rubbish each year, and only 15% of that is recycled. […]
Top 10 | Most Haunted Art In The World
Throughout history, artists have depicted the uncanny – from gothic mansions and unsettling figures to dark landscapes you wouldn’t want to be left alone in. […]
Geometric Art Ideas for Beginners
Geometric art’s blend of creativity and mathematics is visible everywhere, from street art to home décor. With its focus on symmetry, precision and repetition, geometric […]
Wood Engraving: Where Art Meets Technology
Wood engraving has a rich history, dating back centuries as a tool for printing and illustration. Over time, it has evolved, remaining a crucial method […]
Rosalind Stoddart: Inspired by Nature’s Threads
Rosalind Stoddart’s textiles are woven with her affinity to the natural world. Sustainability is fundamental to her practice. It all starts in the fields surrounding […]
Encrypted beauty in Rita Rodner’s ‘Universe for Beginners’
A dark pyramid-shaped structure rises sharply against a misty grey background; the horizon is covered, not in clouds, but black calligraphic marks. It’s unclear if […]
Elizabeth Siddal: More than a muse?
The most comprehensive exhibition of Elizabeth Siddal’s paintings and drawings for 30 years, Tate Britain’s ‘The Rossettis’ clearly aims to show this hugely important member […]
What is an artist-muse relationship really like?
Portrayals of the artist-muse relationship are all around us: in novels, famous films, binge-worthy TV series and, of course, art history’s narratives. But beyond fictional […]
Scissors not swords: Digital protest art in Iran
Digital protest art for Iran, focused on the symbolism of hair cutting, is a powerful new weapon in the fight for women’s freedom. While activist […]
Dina Razin: Framing Famous Middle Eastern Women Through Art
Dina Razin is on a mission: to honour famous middle eastern women with her symbolic art works. The stories of these writers, artists, architects and […]